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[유튜브 리뷰][[Dorothy]도로시] [ENG]킹크랩 먹방(신남주의) mukbang King Crab 帝王蟹 キンクレプ
팡씨 2020. 8. 29. 23:51
재생시간 댓글 : [[Dorothy]도로시] [ENG]킹크랩 먹방(신남주의) mukbang King Crab 帝王蟹 キンクレプ
"will you come OUT?"
me in the closet: "*NO*"
6:48 I saw there a meat flying 😂👍🏻
그리고 도로시님께서는 맛있으면일단고개숙여요ㅋㅋ
10:03 that everyone 💝on how fast she eat 👁👄👁
Your still here. 🥺🦋
Ur so sweet reading this UnU 👉👈
인기순 댓글 : [[Dorothy]도로시] [ENG]킹크랩 먹방(신남주의) mukbang King Crab 帝王蟹 キンクレプ
When your lunch break is only 30 minutes 😂
so let her eat in her way
I love how the mic can fit the eating noises and her regular voice!
Everyone in da comments need to let the lady eat her own way.
먹는게 너무 게걸스러움..
She’s checking every crack and crevice for a little crab meat... I’m impressed with her dedication lol
For those complaining about her eating too quickly, let me give a quick explanation.
When you eat slowly, you give your stomach more time to digest the food you ate and you'll feel full quicker. When you eat at a fast pace, you're basically filling up your stomach before it even realizes that it's full. She probably eats quickly so that she'll be able to finish the whole dish without feeling full halfway through her meal.
Of course, some people are able to eat slowly yet still fill their stomachs with large amounts of food but as I said, SOME people.
Hope this clears up some confusion!
For those complaining about her eating too quickly, let me give a quick explanation.
When you eat slowly, you give your stomach more time to digest the food you ate and you'll feel full quicker. When you eat at a fast pace, you're basically filling up your stomach before it even realizes that it's full. She probably eats quickly so that she'll be able to finish the whole dish without feeling full halfway through her meal.
Of course, some people are able to eat slowly yet still fill their stomachs with large amounts of food but as I said, SOME people.
Hope this clears up some confusion!
[Dorothy]도로시 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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