티스토리 뷰
(추천)인기 동영상 : [MAMAMOO] [MV] 마마무(MAMAMOO) - HIP
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
재생시간 댓글 : [MAMAMOO] [MV] 마마무(MAMAMOO) - HIP
"stop denying. our planet is dying"
"no nature, no future"
"listen to people, not polluters"
"save the earth"
- signs 2:13
bro, idk why but my tears falling just now.
1:34 isnt she hwasa?
She aint ugly are people blind
She looks so preety
в корее: хаа... ту.!
в россий: ха тюьфу на тебя!
в америке: брах (bruh)
в грузий: ту шен! (tu shen) (თუ შენ)
1:36 everytime it gets to this part it reminds me of Jungkook's reaction
1:34 is the most beautiful thing ever.
인기순 댓글 : [MAMAMOO] [MV] 마마무(MAMAMOO) - HIP
literally no one:
moonbyul: the hottest woman in this world
All I wanna be is 멋짐
내 마음대로 골라 kick it
머리 어깨 무릎 다 hip 해
Do it, do it like me do it
나를 따라 해 kick it
Clapping clapping 모두 같이 hip (hip, hip, hip)
I love you 네가 뭐라든 간에
Respect you 네가 뭘 하든 간에 (she's crazy)
늘 따끈따끈해 그 관심이 따끔따끔해
또 힐끔 힐끔 힐끔
이젠 모든 일이 가뿐해 veteran
성공을 썰어 먹어 마치 Michelin
누구보다 빠른 걸음을 걸었네 비시즌
잊은 지도 오래야 뒷걸음
All I wanna be is 멋짐
내 멋대로 골라 kick it
머리 어깨 무릎 다 hip (hip, hip, hip)
삐삐삐 논란이 돼 my fashion (oh)
별로 신경 안 써 그저 action (yeah)
자꾸 click me click me
홀린 듯이 zoom
Close up, close up, close up
Hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip, hip hip hip hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip hip hip 해 hip (hip, hip, hip)
어딜 가든 넌
(Reflection) 빛날 수 있어 yeah
세상에 넌 하나뿐인 걸
근데 왜이래 네 얼굴에 침 뱉니 (칵투)
날 자극한 여러분 감사
거기서 멈춘 찌질이 반사
덕분에 나의 멘탈은 단단해
난 다음 앨범 만들러 갈게
All you wanna be is trendy
어그로 끌기 gimmick 때찌!
그런 애들 끼리끼리 hip (hip, hip, hip)
삐삐삐 논란이 돼 my fashion (oh)
별로 신경 안 써 그저 action (yeah)
자꾸 click me click me
홀린 듯이 zoom
Close up close up close up
Hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip, hip hip hip hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip hip hip 해 hip (hip, hip, hip)
코 묻은 티
삐져나온 입
떡진 머리, 난 상관없지
코 묻은 티
삐져나온 입
떡진 머리, 내가 하면 hip
코 묻은 티
삐져나온 팬티
떡진 머리, 난 상관없지
코 묻은 티
삐져나온 팬티
떡진 머리, 내가 하면 hip
삐삐삐 논란이 돼 my fashion (oh)
별로 신경 안 써 그저 action (yeah)
자꾸 click me click me
홀린 듯이 zoom
Close up close up close up
Hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip, hip hip hip hip 해 hip hip
머리 어깨 무릎 hip
Hip hip hip hip 해 hip (hip, hip, hip)
I’m not a fan of these ladies but this song is catchy and I honestly might consider stanning.
I was streaming Dynamite and this was the recommendation from there, no regret, the woman that raps with low voice, who??? I think I'm in love, your honor 😭😭
Mis reinas y diosas mamamoo mis ídolas las amo
Hey moomoos!
A fellow army passing by,
just to let you know that I stan mamamoo as hard as bts :)
One thing, would you moomoos help us stream Dynamite? We'll help you stream in mamamoo's next song too!
Thank you <3
So I am a new MOOMOO but the one who was rapping really got my heart😭 (I think her name is moonbyul)......omg her voice...I already knew about queen hwasa tho!
Anyways im over here switching from dynamite to hip and just streaming both my kings and my queens 😘💜
Other kpop groups: gets bullied by knetz
Mamamoo: bullies knetz
You may be cool... but you'll never be as cool as Mamamoo!
People: comments on her
Mamamoo: makes song
First, we can clearly see that almost Hwasa's line tell us to love ourselves, be confident and especially not to care 'bout haters.
Second, in the 2nd universe Wheein acted as an environmentalist so she took part in a group to demonstrate in favour of raising people's awareness of climate change. Byul and Hwasa joined them but they just took some photos then going home. It reflects the reality that people only talk and act nothing on global issue.
Next, one of Solar's roles in the mv is a rock star. Her band has some members played the part of drag queen. It shows their support to the LGBT community in Korea.
Last but not least, Moonbyul was in 3 roles including CEO, director and choreographer. All of these careers make us think 'bout jobs for men who are stronger. So, she wants to promote gender equality and sends us a message "Women can do anything Men can do".
4 talents, 4 messages. Maybe there is some messages I've not discovered yet. Anyway, it is such a perfect music video I've ever seen, not only quality music, but also quite meaningful messages. Just want to say that stan Mamamoo, MooMoo 4×4ever.
(My first language is not english so sorry if there is grammar mistake).
Edit: I have corrected some grammar mistakes so that you can read this comfortably.
I think people fail to realize Mamamoo's message- they're saying that any woman can be whatever she wants to be- A PRINCESS, A MOTHER, A BOXER, A HIP HOP DANCER, ETC. Anyone who downgrades other female idols does not get the point, it's not about just being badass or wearing heavy make-up that makes a woman "independent", a woman can be independent even when she's a princess or a mother or a little girl, or whatever. Spread a positive message instead of shaming other groups for being too "cutesy" or too "slu*ty" just because they don't meet your standards- YOU'RE LITERALLY LISTENING TO THE SONG.
MAMAMOO 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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- 그것이 알고싶다 공식계정
- 우파푸른하늘Woopa TV
- 입짧은햇님
- 피지컬갤러리
- Thankyou BUBU
- 승우아빠
- EBSDocumentary (EBS 다큐)
- 낄낄상회
- KBS역사저널 그날
- 수상한녀석들
- 국방TV
- KBS 다큐 [KBS Documentary]
- 영탁의 불쑥TV
- 김한용의 MOCAR
- 철구형 (CHULTUBE)
- 내셔널지오그래픽 - National Geographic Korea
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- 정동원TV
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- 짤툰
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