티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Spraying & Face Cleaning (Liquid, Wiping, Personal Attention, 4K)
팡씨 2020. 12. 4. 12:26혹시 인터넷 뉴스나 유튜브를 볼때 스크롤해서 댓글 먼저 보시는 분들 많으신가요?
바쁜 현대인들의 시간절약을 위해서 유튜브 인기 동영상의 중요 내용이나 요약, 공감 댓글 등을 먼저 확인해보고 유튜브를 시청해보는건 어떨까요?
(추천)인기 동영상 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Spraying & Face Cleaning💧💦 (Liquid, Wiping, Personal Attention, 4K)
요약 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Spraying & Face Cleaning💧💦 (Liquid, Wiping, Personal Attention, 4K)
Jealousy list:
1. Camera
2. mic
3. Nails
4. Skin
5. Hair
재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Spraying & Face Cleaning💧💦 (Liquid, Wiping, Personal Attention, 4K)
00:01 preview
02:30 wrapping
02:52 gardening spray
04:53 oil spray
09:09 normal spray
12:08 golden cap perfume spray
17:59 squared perfume spray
21:45 2 mist spray
25:13 soft face mist
27:56 cool face mist
30:23 hair mist
32:28 blue mist bottle
34:40 mini perfume
35:09 2 body mist bottles
36:27 shower cologne
00:01 프리뷰
02:30 랩씌우기
02:52 원예용 스프레이
04:53 오일 스프레이
09:09 그냥 분무기
12:08 골드캡 향수병
17:59 네모난 향수병
21:45 2개의 미스트
25:13 부드러운 페이스 미스트
27:56 시원한 페이스 미스트
30:23 헤어 미스트
32:28 파란 토너 미스트
34:40 미니 향수
35:09 2개의 바디 미스트
36:27 샤워코롱
00:01 プレビュー
02:30 ラッピング
02:52 園芸用スプレー
04:53 オイルスプレー
09:09 ただの噴霧器
12:08 ゴールドキャップ香水スプレー
17:59 四角い香水スプレー
21:45 2つのミスト
25:13 やわらかいフェイスミスト
27:56 爽やかなフェイスミスト
30:23 ヘア·ミスト
32:28 青いトナー·ミスト
34:40 ミニ香水スプレー
35:09 二つのボディーミスト
36:27 シャワーコロン
🍅 PATREON (Supporting) : https://www.patreon.com/PPOMODOLI
🍅 Twitch (Home): https://www.twitch.tv/ppomodoli
🍅 Join member (special videos, 특별영상, 特別映像): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAtFkapSeoEGPxm5bC3tvaw/join
Remember when this happens in your window when is raining and your raindrop losses :(
09:09 - 12:0:9 was my favourite part
3:08 - 3:11 was my fav
4:02 OH MY GOD!! She's so smart! In the droplets you could see her entire face clearly but she wore glasses just in case.
03:08 ...pov your working backstage in a play and its your job to cover the actors in 'rain'
19:30 ...pov your the bug on my window that I'm trying to scare away
29:41 ...pov your the spider in my car watching me defrost the windows
18:54 me at age 10 spraying my new perfume everywhere in my room:
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Spraying & Face Cleaning💧💦 (Liquid, Wiping, Personal Attention, 4K)
Ppomo: sprays perfume all over me
Edit: scratch that everything looks amazing
I’m guessing she has glass covering the camera, but how does she record this crisp audio without getting the mics wet? it would be sooo interesting to know what her setup is
she’s so smart for wearing glasses so her face stays hidden even when it reflects off of the water dropletsss
나중에 프리뷰만 모은 영상 만들어주실 수 있나요?ㅠㅠ 본 영상도 좋지만 프리뷰가 뭔가 액기스만 압축해놓은 느낌이라 너무 좋아서요ㅠㅠ
Not even me:
Not even you (hopefully):
That one girl in the gym locker rooms:
Ppomo: How about some sleep?
Also me: Oh okay.
Imagine buying stuff for Ppomo
“So Ppomo which many spray bottles you want”
Ppomo: yes
Jefree Star: Now just a quick sprits of setting spray to finish off the look!
Also Jefree Star:
my inner fish is having quite a funky time right now
is this what having 20/20 eyesight looks like?? 😳
Also me: falls asleep at preview
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul:
Headspace: 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻
Oh no! PPOMO has missed 2 uploads! I hope she’s just on vacation and not gone and ghosted us! :(
guys in the locker room when someone brings axe:
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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