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[유튜브 리뷰][엔강 체험The Kang Experience] [엔강체험]가짜사나이2 3화 리뷰!! 유혹의 아이스커피
팡씨 2020. 10. 12. 00:48(추천)인기 동영상 : [엔강 체험The Kang Experience] [엔강체험]가짜사나이2 3화 리뷰!! 유혹의 아이스커피
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
재생시간 댓글 : [엔강 체험The Kang Experience] [엔강체험]가짜사나이2 3화 리뷰!! 유혹의 아이스커피
4:00 미안 샘킴 샘킴 사랑해 이거 그냥 ㄹㅇ 한국인 반응이잖아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 개그맨도 아니고 엔강님 이상하게 웃기네
15:21 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ까로 눈가지고 그러는건 넘하잖아 줄리엔강..
17:02 병지님ㅋㅋㅋ힙합모자
17:28 줄리엔강 이렇게 개그캐였어?
오늘 줄리엔강 영상 첨봤는데 구독눌렀어 사랑해
17:28 줄리엔강 대답하는거 저만 웃긴가요??
17:29 그 유명한 사자후 "왜 말을안들어~~~!!!!!!!!" 나오는데 줄리엔강 넘나 태연하게 "아뉘 듣고이쒀"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌ
??: 왜 말을 안들어!!!!
엔강이형: 아니 듣고 있어~
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ순간 뭔가 했네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
11:09 형 이 형 한국사람이야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ한국에서 태어나서 수십년 살아온 사람인데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
인기순 댓글 : [엔강 체험The Kang Experience] [엔강체험]가짜사나이2 3화 리뷰!! 유혹의 아이스커피
아슬란교관의 말투 진짜 맨정신일땐 별 의미 없음.
근데 저 상황에서 들으면 어느순간 멘탈 갉아먹고있음ㅋㅋㅋ
진짜 가짜사나이 보고나서 줄리엔강 리뷰 너무 기다려져요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ15:18 딱 영상 처음보고 하는 그 반응들이 너무 웃김ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
엔강형 왜이렇게 긍정킹이야 ㅋㅋ
나같으면 힘들었다고 교관욕만 오지게 했을거같은데, 교관말투 좋다고 하고, 옆에 훈련생때문에 더 고생한거도 진짜 진심 그때 힘들었다고 좋게말해주고.
몸에 매너가 베여있네 아주
본받고싶다 진짜로
람머스 어서오고
18:22 진짜 마인드가 다르다 ㄷㄷㄷ 동기 퇴교하면 나도 힘빠진다가 아니라... 동기 아쉬움 내가 대리만족 시켜주려고 버틸거야 진짜 존경!!
근데 줄리엔강이 멘탈부터 다르네 다른 훈련생들은 한명씩 빠져나가면 나도 칠까?라고 생각들고 약해지려고 한다던데 엔강님은 오히려 저친구를 위해서 더 잘해야겠다 라고 생각한다니 ㄷㄷ.. 나였어도 힘든마음에 더 약해질거같은데 ㅠㅠㅠ 멘탈부터 다르네 엔강님은;;
교관이 극딜넣는걸 이해하고있음.
쳬력보다 일단 멘탈잡기가 젤힘든데
교관의 마음을 이해하고있어서 교관 약올림에 멘탈이 안 흔들림ㅋㅋ
마지막에 키차이 그렇게나는 3명이서 ibs 하라는건 진짜ㅋㅋㅋ 너무고생했습니다
15:21 까로 눈 왜그래 이거 왤케 웃기지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
멘탈 짱. 멋져
진짜 앞으로도 잘 됐음 좋겠어요
11:29 나 그렇게 크게 생겼어? 라뇨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋ 대체 왜 몰랐던건데
형 지금 에피4나오고 민심이 거의 이근 급으로 2기 교관들 나락가던데.. 형 목은 괜찮지? 목디스크 걸리면 큰일나.
자막 팬들이 참여하고 수정 가능하다고 들어서
걍 부탁 드린거예요 쿄쿄;;;
당연히 울 엔강님이 하시면 필요없겠지만 바쁘시다고 하셔서 ;)
엔강님 팬인데요
바쁘셔서 영자막 못다신다 들었어요
영어권 팬 많은걸로 아는데
부족하지만 유투브에 자막 참여 되는걸로 알고 있어서
설정해주시면 가끔 올리고 싶어요 ㅋ
let's get started with the third episode of Toy soldier 2
I heard this is the really interesting episode we've never had
I'm so excited about that
so let's get started
FYI, This is not a vape pen just a microphone
I don't know the song
look at my face
like what the heck is going on?
I just looked at my classmates
cause I didn't know what to do
I'm always late for that
I didn't understand what the command was
oh my.. he is standing in the water
look at my mouth
I was likely speaking non sense words not making any sense
Sam is as same as me
I just pretended that I knew it
like I was likely speaking non sense words not making any sense
I heard as much as possible and then I tried to repeat that like !@#$!
I was trying to speak non sense words
I made a new song
I'm really good at diving into the water
I've done free-diving before
before diving, you need to deep breathe like you need to prepare for that
like you are charging the oxygen into your body
I told him like to do the same thing
you need to be relaxing as much as you can
He was really nervous 'Cause he is not friendly with water
He told me like that
like "Julian! even 15 seconds is hard for me!"
What should I do?
So I just said, "just relax and deep breathe as much as you can"
Lee-Guajang has aqua-phobia....
I wish he was with me in the same deep tank
then I could've helped him a lot
oh my he quit
I didn't even know about the details
I wanted to be changed
how did you want to change to come here?
I wanted to be able to withstand for everything
What did you say in your interview?
I wanted to win a gold medal in the Olympics
Do you think you can even win this with your weak mental faculties?
No, I don't
For this kind of hard challenging,
you need to find the profound[deep] meaning
I'll have to find out any meaning for that
when we dive the water, sometime drill sergeant kicks the tank
they were doing that then we were surprised and nervous more
like that kick
for making us nervous more
See, he is coming out
Sam just stood up in surprise
He is adorable
Sorry Sam I love you Sam
I didn't even know that situation like that
The color of water looks like kind of instant coffee
Come on, hold out hold out!!!
Breathe deeply!
I really liked that quotes back then
I got that mental is more stronger than physical for sure
BeungJi bro was really having a hard time at the time
So I tried to help him as much as possible
At last, one of the drill sergeant said to me before we had to be diving for 45 seconds
like you have to put your arm around his solder so he didn't stand up
you must take care of him
So from the last try, I did it
He was up once, but I just put him in the water again
just once for the last
I was sorry to him
What are you doing Minddu
He is adorable
We are planing to invite him later soon
This is so annoying
Aslan's speech is really funny
No!!! the word "quitting" is not in my dictionary.
Back then we were deadly tired for sure
we had never have any bit of sleep and a sip of water.
and we were told that we were not allowed for sleeping in the car
I really wanted to sleep
I bet this was the hardest time for me
just 5 km?
They just said to us like it was 10 km
This is my biggest pet peeve
'Cause let's just think about that like
if you have been doing excise so on,
your body likely gets used to that situation so it is not that hard
But you are just relaxing for a little bit from the hard working
and then your energy extremely dropped down
So you need to put your energy together again
this situation is normally hard to make your physical to be ready
This was really hard for us for sure
'Cause we took a break a bit
This vest made me difficult to breathe 'Cause it was so tight for me
oh my that damn iced coffee
This is my pet peeves
Right now I have one
The weather is great
I like the way of his speaking
Today is good for quitting, isn't it?
No sir!!
I think it is
Actually I didn't know what he says
But I understood his tone and I thought I would say "No" to that
Today is good for quitting, right?
At this moment, I just thought like, please don't ask me questions again.
I was like focusing on myself
I really wanted to fight with him for coffee
For coffee for sure, we were desperately starring at that cup of coffee
We were extremely thirsty af
Also it was a really hot and humid day
even though the paddle was not that heavy,
that you keep holding it with the right position like that was getting us tired
Also we kept getting the training so my thigh already got tired as well
before applying this, I think I already had made my body to be ready
I released this video for home training please check it out
I had that kind of training like body weight exercises
such as push-ups and squats
However, I should've done another training for that
Response that!!!
BeungJi bro is really holding out himself as good 'Cause he is the leader
Don't wanna do that? x2
Sergeant! he doesn't wanna do that any more
why are you here?
just think why you are here
what is the reason for here?
You need to find the deeper meaning to keep doing it
you are not able to walk, though.
Do we force you to be died?
No sir...
Just ask you to walk here that's it
Do it until you made it
Just keep going
it seems like a movie or something like that
This part was horrible for me
Speak properly to me x2
Just repeat after me
"I can not walk fast accurately!"
“I can not walk fast...”
Don’t try to bullshit me, just go run!
Don't talk to me like an asshole
Just be here to speak like that fxxking asshole?
Response that!
Actually he is not teasing him
he just makes Sam stronger mentally
he just got Sam's nerve on purpose
after that, he know Sam will be stronger than now
Just for the trainer, this sergeant has been doing that
Look at my legs..
now I can't run properly for sure
Do the duck walking until your classmate gets here
Put your paddle over your head
I really hated this position as hell
You are sleepy? #1?
Look at me I couldn't do that precisely
I can't do the duck walking for sure
#3 quits
omg he is speaking Korean really great
He looks surprisingly a foreigner though, he is a Korean
Still I can't get used to him whenever he speaks Korean like that
Minddu was really holding out as good
Why am I standing out like that?
'Cause I was behind Yunki lol
looks at that
He looks like my mini me
It seemed like that was not a hard training though
it was extremely hard af
I realized that he looks like someone
do you know the villain in the old superman movie
he looks like him for sure
See, paddle is really heavy as hell
just quitting one by one
Go home right now
Go home with #12
Who is this? this is me?
I think I am
Why I really respect Sam is that his agent was disagree to attend this program
But he attends this program because he wanted to do it
The fxxking duck walking
I can't do it properly as you see
I was just next to 윤기 it seems like 윤기 is doing the duck walking
but I'm doing like kind of horse walking because of the physical differentiation
Look at my eyes
it shows I'm freaking tired
you couldn’t imagine how hard it was
I was not able to breathe especially the duck walking is killing me
that kind of wrong information had made us confused and frustrated mentally
is he quitting?
No right?
is he going to ring the bell? x2
I didn't know what's going on
I was not able to see any of them ringing the bell
How could I see any of them doing it?
I was around there
See? they just said 9 km reminds
we had got mental stressed for sure
you can do that though, you just quit by yourself
omg look at his eyes
Karo! what's wrong with your eyes?
what's going on with him?
looks like a ghost
wtf!!! look at his eyes
he is out of his mind af
Zombie He is a zombie
Did you see his eyes?
wow it was extremely hard for me
and they kept saying "just 8 km reminds"
Who wants to quit and then drink this iced coffee?
This was fxxking hard as hell
just let's think about that I am a huge so I'm really heavier that others
so it was really hurt
it's too much pain because you need to do it on the gravels
Why is he wearing his hat like a rapper
Looks so cool I thought he became a rapper
Who are they? Minddu and BeungJi bro?
Boy scout..
No! we are listening (lol)
look at me
not only being hard to run but also hard to walk like a bear
Did you see that?
I didn't even realize that he was trying to give me that coffee
Wow it was really fun
it was the best today episode
I would like to beg to see the next episode
now just only 6 members to go
it started with 14 trainees but now only 6 members are left
just stay tuned for the next episode
And it won't let you down
just 6 members to go so please check out who will not survive this!
what did you feel that moment that you just knew that your classmates quit
whenever any of them ringing the bell I feel like that gave me encourage to keep doing it
I know unfortunately he just quit by any situations
So I feel that way like I'd endure with their sacrifice spirits.
I just keep thinking that thoughts
Seriously I wanted to right the bell for sure
we all want to quit af
did you drink that coffee when they gave it to you?
(Silent and don't comment anything for next episode)
A fresh iced coffee!
엔강 체험The Kang Experience 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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