티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] ‘DON'T TOUCH ME’ M/V (Hangout with Yoo - Refund Sisters)
팡씨 2021. 4. 28. 16:07혹시 인터넷 뉴스나 유튜브를 볼때 스크롤해서 댓글 먼저 보시는 분들 많으신가요?
바쁜 현대인들의 시간절약을 위해서 유튜브 인기 동영상의 중요 내용이나 요약, 공감 댓글 등을 먼저 확인해보고 유튜브를 시청해보는건 어떨까요?
(추천)인기 동영상 : [놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] ‘DON'T TOUCH ME’ M/V (Hangout with Yoo - Refund Sisters)
요약 댓글 : [놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] ‘DON'T TOUCH ME’ M/V (Hangout with Yoo - Refund Sisters)
재생시간 댓글 : [놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] ‘DON'T TOUCH ME’ M/V (Hangout with Yoo - Refund Sisters)
3:17 이부분 사탕 너무물어서 막대 휘었음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
0:37 GOODNESS CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S IN HER 50s with that precious voice! I thought she's just 30
Hawsa voice 2:35 that part is so amazing
인기순 댓글 : [놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] ‘DON'T TOUCH ME’ M/V (Hangout with Yoo - Refund Sisters)
와 이효리 현역 아이돌 씹어 먹는다 진짜;;;; 제주댁이랑 180도 다른,,, 이상순이 왜 불안해하는지 알겠음 너무 알겠음
이효리 진짜... 어떻게 이 넷 중에서 이효리만 보이지?? 전부 너무 엄청나고 예쁘고 멋지고 노래 죽이는데 이효리.. 말도안되게 멋있음....
이효리는 이효리네
20년이 넘게 탑을 찍고도 현재 진행형이야 ㅋㅋㅋ 안죽었네 역시
Lee Hyori's backbend and split... dang she's more flexible than younger artists nowadays. Uhm Jung Hwa's vocals ramains the same. Both timeless artists. Together with Jessi's powerful rap line, the industry needs that kind of style, strong rap line. Hwasa's breaking the unrealistic beauty standards of the industry. These ladies such a powerhouse artists/performers.
이효리 뭐지??? 왜자꾸 이효리한테 시선이 다 뺏기지...?? 이런걸 배윤정이 말하는 센터라는건가...다른 사람들도 보고싶은데 두명이상이면 이효리가 시선 다 가져가;;; 미치겟네 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너무 멋져요!!!!!!
Moomoos please go vote now for Hwasa on idol champ for the Apan Awards (best solo for woman category), we lost our 1st place earlier and now the gap is super small (0,1%), please take this seriously this award is important
4 generations of kpop :
Hwasa 25 years (Debut2014)
Jessi 32 years (Debut2005 )
LeeHyori 41years (Debut1998)
Uhm Junghwa 51 years
Can we talk about how all the money their earning from this project is going to charity! WHAT A BADASS MOVE
They say woman power!!
워.. 이거 단발성으로 끝나기엔 너무 아깝잖아!!!
언니들 다음 싱글곡도 받아서 또 활동해줘~~~~~~ 진짜 뮤비 대박 멋있어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
이효리_말할거 없음 그냥 레전드
화사_음색 미친
Moomoos what can I do to make you vote? Please go on idol champ to vote for Hwasa for the Apan Awards (best solo for woman category). We lost our 1st place earlier and it was horrible, the gap got huge. We snatched the 1st place back but the gap is still too small, only 0,5%. Please take this seriously this is an important award you can get rubies by watching ads, doing missions or buying them, I do missions or buy them so I can vote 300 hearts a day (that's the max you can vote a day). We only have a few days left (it ends on Nov 27 at 6pm kst) please be ready with 300 hearts for the last day, we need to win this!!
안되겠다.. 이효리는 조만간 컴백해야겠다.. 저 끼와 외모와 스타성 어쩔거야...
음원만 들으면 이효리가 제일 약하고 뮤비에서는 이효리가 제일 강력하고. 결국 다들 자기가 잘하는 파트가 있는거임.
Come on! We need the extended version and the postcredit scene of the managers, Ji Sub and Bong Won (and the untameable wiper) hahahaha. I hope you can upload them too.
20s : Hwasa
30s : Jessi
40s : Hyori
50s : Junghwa
Sexy Icons
Lyrics Translation :
They say I’m trouble
They say I look fierce, so what?
I’m dressing up, I’m getting stylish
Yeah I’m a lady, can’t stop me
People saying uncomfortable words, crossing the line
But I’m overcoming just to show you
I want love too
I want peace too
But everyone, you know
Keeps touching me, don’t touch me
But I’ll do what I want
blah blah blah so what
I don’t care yeah yeah
I do what I want
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
It’s alright, don’t worry, so good, I’m having fun
Even with the adding years, I’ll never fall back
I don’t wanna imitate others
wanna be original
I don’t care about others
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
Uhh Tell me who’s hotter, nada
You dealing with a
four headed monsta
Come here and try selling me cheap things
I won’t let it go, you don’t want no problems
It’s whatever I want, hey
No matter what anyone says, I do me, hey
If I’m the problem, there’s no answer
You can look and stare
but don’t touch me
People saying uncomfortable words, crossing the line
But I’m overcoming just to show you
I want love too
I want peace too
But everyone, you know
Keeps touching me, don’t touch me
But I’ll do what I want
blah blah blah so what
I don’t care yeah yeah
I do what I want
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
It’s alright, don’t worry, so good, I’m having fun
Even with the adding years, I’ll never fall back
I don’t wanna imitate others
wanna be original
I don’t care about others
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
Sometimes, tears fall
But in the end, what makes me strong are the tears, I’m used to it
I don’t care about what others think, ever
Never never, don’t stop no matter what
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
but I do what I want, our 11
blah blah blah so what
I don’t care yeah yeah
I do what I want
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
It’s alright, don’t worry, so good, I’m having fun
Even with the adding years, I’ll never fall back
I don’t wanna imitate others
wanna be original
I don’t care about others
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
They keep touching me, don’t touch me
You can find more translations in high quality in our page > https://twitter.com/pop_gasa (pls, don't forget follow us) ^^ we are like Pop!Gasa in Twitter ~
[놀면 뭐하니?] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
[놀면 뭐하니?] 채널 관련 포스팅
[놀면 뭐하니?] (Eng sub) [환불원정대] 환불원정대 쇼! 음악중심 데뷔 무대! (Hangout with Yoo - refund sisters)
[놀면 뭐하니?] [MV] 싹쓰리(SSAK3) - 다시 여기 바닷가(Beach Again) Official MV (ENG sub)
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