티스토리 뷰
요약 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR SATISFYING Grinding Sounds
Timeline 타임라인 タイムライン
00:06 preview
02:35 rice
10:35 amethyst
18:34 gravel
28:20 starch
41:48 sesame
49:28 cacao nibs
55:54 sugar
01:02:51 meringue cookies
00:06 요약
02:35 쌀
10:35 자수정
18:34 자갈
28:20 전분
41:48 깨
49:28 카카오닙스
55:54 설탕
01:02:51 머랭쿠키
00:06 要約
02:35 米
10:35 紫水晶
18:34 小石
28:20 澱粉
41:48 油胡麻
49:28 カカオニプス
55:54 砂糖
01:02:51 メレンゲクッキー
01:12 Golpecitos
02:35 Arroz
10:35 Amatista
18:34 Grava
28:20 Almidón
41:48 Sesame/Ajonjolí
49:28 Cacao "Descascarillado"
55:54 Azucar
01:02:51 Galletas de Merengue
Will you Support me on Patreon? XD https://www.patreon.com/PPOMODOLI
Twitch(Live Streaming) : https://www.twitch.tv/ppomodoli
앞부분 요약만 듣는데도 벌써 힐링돼~!!
갑자기 저번 스트리밍에 뽀모님이 말씀하신 거 생각난다.(정확하진 않은)
매일보고 가까이 있는 사람보다 이렇게 만나는 사람을 더 가깝게 생각할 수 있는거라고.. 제가 그래요.. 뽀모님
재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR SATISFYING Grinding Sounds
Español (thanks 이례 A for the timestamps!)
01:12 Golpecitos
02:35 Arroz
10:35 Amatista
18:34 Grava
28:20 Almidón
41:48 Sesame/Ajonjolí
49:28 Cacao "Descascarillado"
55:54 Azucar
01:02:51 Galletas de Merengue
02:35 - arroz
10:35 - ametistas
18:34 - cascalho
28:20 - amido de milho
41:48 - granola
49:28 - cacau
55:54 - açucar
01:02:51 - merengue
28:20 the best trigger
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR SATISFYING Grinding Sounds
just a spanglish comentario pasando by xD
One of my all time favorite asmrtist hands down you have amazing quality, AMAZING sounds, and everything is always so satisfying, you are aesthetically pleasing. Overall one of the best!!
Can you do an ink grinding video? I really enjoy your videos but I can't find any long videos of ink grinding.
my favorite is the starch :))
Is your birthday in February??
역시 믿고듣는 뽀모님 항상 응원합니다
Listening to ASMR helps me appreciate the small and little sounds in life, and I feel like it just helps me have a greater appreciation of life because of this. It makes me enjoy seemingly mundane things.
I couldn't hear this for five minutes and was like "OMG WHY CANT I HEAR" and then I grabbed my headphone cord and realized I wasn't wearing headphones :)
This is so great, it sounds so nice!! Definitely going to listen this to this tonight!!
to everyone reading this : i hope you're having a lovely day and if you're not then don't forget that tomorrow will be better
Ppomo spoils us.
Wonderful sounds, thank you!
뽀모님은 토킹과 노토킹 영상을 확실히 구분해서 만드셔서 더더욱 asmr에 흠뻑 빠질수있는거같으요
The amethyst sounds so good
The starch one is probably my favorite, it was even satisfying to watch! <3 PPOMO!
I love grinding sounds! Thanks PPOMO!
전 뽀모님이 가장 좋아요!
뽀모님ASMR이 팅글젤잘느껴짐
Such a good idea.Tbh, U are the most creative ASMRtist I've known.
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
'유튜브 리뷰 > 인기(추천)동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
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