티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][odg] "다시 16살이 되어도, 케이팝스타에 나갈 건가요?" 16살을 만난 이하이 | ODG
팡씨 2020. 12. 6. 11:56
재생시간 댓글 : [odg] "다시 16살이 되어도, 케이팝스타에 나갈 건가요?" 16살을 만난 이하이 | ODG
1:50 이부분에서
나이가 많을수록 확신이 줄어드는 말을하는게 너무슬프당 ㅠ^ㅠ
This sounded so sad, cause i have insomnia and it's just like people wish for a lot big things while my simple wish is to sleep well.
When Lee Hi said " do you know what i mean with loneliness being relaxing" and the girl answered "doesn't it feel that way because you have felt it so many times". Wow.
0:24, how cute <3
8:59 KKKKKKKKKKK eu amei essa mulher
that sentence was so sad "i have a job that people judge me"
8:59 최애장면..
0:21 when the little girl laughed and they just started laughing together omg my heart just melted
인기순 댓글 : [odg] "다시 16살이 되어도, 케이팝스타에 나갈 건가요?" 16살을 만난 이하이 | ODG
The fact that her wish "is to sleep well at night", its so simple but so so precious because something so simple like that means the world. imagine achieving this and that and being great but the simple thing of not being able to sleep peacefully at night can steal your joy, and I think many experince this. I know I definitely did at one point and it put me in deep depresseion. I worry that this is a cry for help for her, depression doesn't have just one "look" and we have to see the signs. the entertainment industry can be such a lonely place but on the outside it looks like glits and glams, the tragic suicides are proof of that. I genuinly pray she finds her healing and may she find her peace, I did in God, no longer down, depressed or feeling empty and I never knew that was possible. God bless you all <3 ps if you're feeling the same, youre not alone x feel free to send a message
이하이님 홀로 노래를 처음 들었는데
가사가.....저 자신에게 말해주고싶네요
아무리 노력해도 우울증을 이겨내기 힘들었는데 조금이라도 좋게해주셔서 감사합니다. 이 영상을 올려준 odg분들도 감사합니다.
Seeing the 8 year old girl just so positive and smiling, makes me feel envious.. I wish I could be as carefree as her
8살 : 꿈을 이룰 수 있다
12살 : 열심히 노력하면 이룬다
16살 : 열심히 노력하면 언젠간 좋은 일이 있지 않을까..?
꿈에 대한 확신이 점점 사라지는 게
제 과거를 보는 것 같아서 너무 안타깝고 슬프네요
What is your dream?
8-year-old girl: A director
12-year-old girl: A Hollywood star
16-year-old girl: To work in the entertainment industry
25-year-old Lee Hi: To sleep well at night
It was the moment when I realized something in me had broken...
8살 12살 16살 25살 말하는거나 표현하는거 보면 감정을 표현하는 행동이나 말투나 표정이 점점 사라지고 진중해지는거같다 나이가 올라갈 수록 자신의 못난 모습을 알아가면서 자신을 조금씩 모르는 새에 깎아내리며 살아가고 있는거 같다
노래 듣는거 반응 보면 아이는 즐기고 학생은 노래의 감정을 느끼고 이해하는거 보면 어릴 때 그때의 동심으로 돌아가고 싶다
Strangely I started crying when she started singing after listening to their conversations.
Lee Hi: "Do you know what I mean with loneliness being relaxing"
12 y.o girl: "Doesn't it feel that way because you have felt it so many times"
That hit a nail
The sixteen year old understood Lee hi when she said that she wanted to sleep well at night and it hurt to see :((
when she started singing i literally started crying, i felt it .
What hurt me the most is how they portrayed what growing up does to us. When we were younger we found happiness in the simplest things, we had no doubt our dreams will come true and were not really afraid of anything, as we grow older we become doubtfull of our own possibilities and start second guessing, not apreaciting what we have and wanting more to fill a void that is not even really there. And still all of them were conforted by Hi's voice, as were we. Truly an angel, thank you!
As a 26 y.y. now, I look to all of them (23, 16, 12 and 8 y.y.) and think how much my past selves have learned and how we've managed to be who this 26 years young is nowadays.
So much pain, loneliness, hopelessness, but also lots of love, care and guidance helped me become the person I am... Helped me mature. I don't think I'd do anything different either, Lee Hi.
Love the way how this video show us 4 individuals
8 yo : Stress free, cheerful, bright, continue being all adorably cute
12 yo : Keep smiling, adorable happiness
16 yo : Holding back tears, amazed
25 yo : I'm going to love myself more
나이가 들면 들수록 현실의 벽에 부딪혀가는구나. 저도 현실에 벽에 부딪혀 상처 받으면서 멘탈이 점점 강해지게 되던데.
i’m ready to invest all my money on karate lessons just to fight whoever hurts that beautiful soul
their discussion makes you realize that as time passes, your way of thinking changed.
when you're young, you're full of energy and dreams, no one can ever stop you and world goes according to your will. but as time passes and you're maturing, you started to think what other people will say or think about you. you're getting doubtful about yourself especially when no one wants to support you on your way to your dreams which is really hard. If I have to go back 10 years from now, I won't choose the way that I am now. So no one will look down on me...
**UPDATE: 2 weeks ago I left this comment and I'm overwhelmed by the likes and uplifting comments! Thank you my friends. Please be well & treat yourself with kindness!
By being alone in the quarantine I realized I don't even know my own person, and that was hella scary. As I spent time with myself it stroked me the thought that I was surrounded by so many people (both friends and colleagues), that I stopped listening to my own voice. And by that, I realized that being alone is very relaxing and rewarding, as I learn every moment a bit about myself. Feeling lonely is a real thing, and I've felt it even though I had close friends. But I learnt that we shouldn't pressure us so much into hanging with friends whenever we are alone. Appreciate your voice. I'm trying to balance social life and being alone :)
[odg] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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