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[유튜브 리뷰][유디티TV] 짜파게티4봉에 트러플오일을 넣어서 네네쇼킹핫양념치킨과 먹어보았습니다 멘탈나감 눈물주의 리얼사운드 먹방 REAL SOUND MUKBANG SOCIAL EATING
팡씨 2020. 8. 19. 14:24(추천)인기 동영상 : [유디티TV] 짜파게티4봉에 트러플오일을 넣어서 네네쇼킹핫양념치킨과 먹어보았습니다 멘탈나감 눈물주의 리얼사운드 먹방 REAL SOUND MUKBANG SOCIAL EATING
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
재생시간 댓글 : [유디티TV] 짜파게티4봉에 트러플오일을 넣어서 네네쇼킹핫양념치킨과 먹어보았습니다 멘탈나감 눈물주의 리얼사운드 먹방 REAL SOUND MUKBANG SOCIAL EATING
Are you still there?
Some dudes daughter:
Hello to all of you. Today, I finally got truffle oil from The Bangdong Hyundai Mart. I bought it for 24,000 won and was very excited about shooting. And today, after four years of eating spicy chicken on a live in Africa in 2015, I've been playing Nene Shocking Hot. The shocking hot price is 20,000 won. I was so confident that I thought I had been trained with spicy food. But at the end, I was sorry. Oh, the real shocking hot is really probably not going to eat for another couple of years for the time being.
1:41 First Bite
3:47 Cool Cola Sparkling
9:02 Crying Excitation
10:12 Tears
And when I leave a review every time, 99 out of 100 reviews are praised for being 'too tasty', 'the best' and 'give it a try'. I'm so sorry, what does this truffle oil really taste like? I'm not sure what to say. I've heard almost all of the reviews from other YouTubers that seem to be a lot of fuss, but I'm personally unfriendly. I like the mushroom soup because it's written as a truffle flavor. I thought it was such a popular taste, but it was a bit embarrassing for me as a real choding palate. I'd like to say that i ate so hard today that I ate so much. I photographed it really hard today.
April 1st is April Fool's Day, i just sit down in the classroom and ask my friend for no reason, and he's going to resign from his job, where he just broke up with his girlfriend, and today it's April Fool's Day. Too much pranks can hurt your opponent. It's a very small prank that only makes you smile a little bit. (I'm not.
Then have a moderately enjoyable and pleasant April Fool's Day. I love you all a lot.
I love you, Anh yêu em, 啦, sikimyeo / I'm going to go back to the
6:15 vaccum cleaner
Me: *starts choking on nothing*
this is how I eat corn 6:05
0:02초 치이이이익 ?!뭐야이거?! ㅋㅋㅋ
1:43 start eating
인기순 댓글 : [유디티TV] 짜파게티4봉에 트러플오일을 넣어서 네네쇼킹핫양념치킨과 먹어보았습니다 멘탈나감 눈물주의 리얼사운드 먹방 REAL SOUND MUKBANG SOCIAL EATING
Me: *starts choking on nothing*
Subtitles: [applause]
Bulan puasa??
Dan lagi puasa??
Nonton ini?
Kita sama
Edit : dont forget follow my ig :v
Me:trying to kill the bug 1:24
when your starving:(
Yang liat ini pas puasa Like!
BTW yang indonesia siapa? Kalau merasa indonesia Like!
يلي اتفرج عليه وهو صايم لايك
유디티TV 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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